Nietzsche said "We have art in order not to die of the truth". That's something to think about. I think without art we would die of the world in front of us, yes. But who says that's the truth? Does anyone ever tell you the truth? Maybe in rare occasions when you know them very well and its a warm cozy night something will come out that they really mean. But, shit, for the most part we just lie and tell half truths all the goddamn time. Nietzshe would know that better then anyone. Anyway Nietzshe did die of truth. Went insane of it, anyway. Art is the only truth I think. I have cousins and they're not white trash per say and they're not rednecks or any of that, I mean for god sakes they were raised and born in California. What they are is artless. They just don't get it. They just don't get it and thus they are doomed to walk in small meaningless circles for the rest of they're goddamn life. That's its. They've died of truthlessness. Art is the only truth. The only truth is those conversations late at night with Emma and Keeley and Olivia. That's it. The only truth is dancing to arctic monkeys with Adrian at their concert. The only truth is playing video games with Ethan. I don't know. There is no truth. This is all a goddamn lie. We lie so we don't die of truth. So I don't just fucking lay down and die right now. I feel like it. Elliott Smith died of his music. Was there any truth in that? Its all crap. We need art because we need it. We do. We can say these things but they're meaningless. Art is not the truth. We know that. Its just pictures and sound and words. Its not real. But art is not a lie! And it sure as hell does not protect one from the truth. I don't have an explanation for you. I can't tell you why we need it. I have some ideas as to. Well mostly I have feelings as to why but they aren't necessarily the reason and I can't word them even if they were. We just need art. We just need it and that's why. There's just nothing else. Art is all. Art for the sake of living I guess. Art is running around with Simka. Art is watching the Lion King with Jackie when she was sick. Art is. I don't know. Art is so much goddamn feed back that you can't distinguish the words. Art is Kurt Cobain singing 'I hate myself I want to die'. Art is everything in this goddamn world I don't know what else. Art is bullshitting with Benji. Art is poking fun at Ulysses until his face turns red. Art is coffee at Starbucks at midnight with Aidan. Art is I don't goddamn know. I don't goddamn know. Its nothing at all.
so manny useless bodies